EnCoV is a research group located at the Faculty of Medicine in Clermont-Ferrand.
It has links with the local university and university hospital.
It is part of the Image-Guided Therapies research axis of Institut Pascal (UMR6602 UCA, CNRS, INP Clermont Auvergne) and the Technology for Medicine (TechMed) research axis of CHU Clermont-Ferrand.
(oct 2022) EnCoV and SurgAR (I. Mikhailov et al) receive the honorary mention for the best student paper award at the First Workshop on Applications of Medical AI at MICCAI
(jul 2022) EnCoV is granted funding from ANR JCJC program for project IMMORTALLS led by the MACCS team of Institut Pascal
(dec 2021) SurgAR is granted funding from ANR RHU program for project Digital Urology 3D led by the University Hospital of Bordeaux
(nov 2020) EnCoV is granted funding from the Internal Funding Program of CHU for project NORA to investigate Augmented Reality in Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery
(oct 2020) SurgAR is granted funding from EU H2020 RIA program for project FEMaLe to investigate the endometriosis disease with 16 partners
(oct 2020) EnCoV and SurgAR are granted funding from Cancéropôle CLARA to develop computer-aided laparoscopic cancer surgery
(may 2020) SurgAR receives the EIT Health Headstart award
(mar 2020) SurgAR receives the R2B ONCO award (Research to Business, cancer research centre CLARA)
(oct 2019) The spinoff company SurgAR is officially created
(jul 2019) EnCoV (A. Bartoli) is granted funding from ANR PRC program for project TOPACS led by Creatis with ICube, LIRIS, Gipsa-lab, HU-Genève and CHU Lyon
(jun 2019) EnCoV (A. Bartoli) is granted funding from EU H2020 FET Open program for project Endomapper led by Unizar with UCL and Odin Medical
(jun 2019) EnCoV (N. Bourdel) receives an i-Lab award from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and Bpifrance, for its spinoff project SurgAR
(jun 2019) EnCoV (G. Teluob) receives the first runner-up junior research prize from Clermont-Ferrand's university hospital (deuxième prix jeune chercheur du CHU de Clermont-Ferrand) for its work on an Augmented Reality system used in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
(apr 2019) EnCoV (A. Bartoli, E. Buc) receives a CNRS grant to evaluate Augmented Reality in laparoscopic liver surgery (financement prématuration du CNRS)
(dec 2018) M. Canis receives the Jean Bayle-Lespitau prize from Fondation de l'Avenir for his work on endometriosis
(oct 2018) S. Parashar receives the PhD prize from Université Clermont Auvergne for her work on Image-based Deformable 3D Reconstruction using Differential Geometry and Cartan's Connections
(dec 2017) EnCoV (A. Bartoli) receives an ERC PoC grant (Proof-of-Concept grant from the European Research Council) to implement project P-ViTAL
(dec 2017) EnCoV (P. Chauvet) receives the computer-aided surgery innovation prize from the National Academy of Surgery (prix de l’innovation médico-chirurgicale assistée par ordinateur du Labex CAMI décerné par l'Académie nationale de Chirurgie) for its work on an experimental tumor model for laparoscopy and the evaluation of an Augmented Reality system in tumor resection
(sep 2017) EnCoV (N. Bourdel) receives the Gédéon Richter award from CNGOF (prix Gédéon Richter du Collège national des gynécologues et obstétriciens Français) for its work on Augmented Reality aided myomectomy
(jun 2017) EnCoV (P. Chauvet) receives the junior research prize from Clermont-Ferrand's university hospital (prix jeune chercheur du CHU de Clermont-Ferrand) for its work on an Augmented Reality system used in tumor resection
(sep 2016) A. Bartoli is appointed to Institut Universitaire de France
(may 2016) EnCoV receives Université d'Auvergne's 2015 research award (prix recherche de la Fondation de l'Université d'Auvergne) for its work on Shape-from-Template